Le journal La Côte dédie une page à notre …

Le journal La Côte dédie une page à notre client HomeBistrot aujourd'hui suite à la conférence de presse organisée chez Hublot jeudi dernier. The newspaper La Côte dedicates one full page to our client HomeBistrot today. This article follows last Thursday's press conference held at Hublot.

By | mai 9th, 2017|Facebook|

Last Thursday’s press conference held at Hublot headquarters for the launch of HomeBistrot #bistronomy

Last Thursday's press conference held at Hublot headquarters for the launch of HomeBistrot #bistronomy

By | mai 8th, 2017|Instagram|

Last Thursday’s press conference held at Hublot headquarters for the launch of HomeBistrot #bistronomy

Last Thursday's press conference held at Hublot headquarters for the launch of HomeBistrot #bistronomy

By | mai 8th, 2017|Instagram|

Création d’un farmers market hier pour le …

Création d'un farmers market hier pour le lancement du nouveau concept de restauration d'entreprise HomeBistrot chez Hublot à Nyon. Creation of a farmers market yesterday for the launch of the new concept of company restaurant HomeBistrot at Hublot Headquarters in Nyon.

By | mai 5th, 2017|Facebook|