Bye bye, 2018!

And welcome 2019!  2018 was a year rich in new projects and this is why we would like to thank you for the trust and support you have given us. First of all, the agency has considerably increased its presence in the German part of Switzerland. This is a major asset whether it is for managing a [...]

By | January 14th, 2019|News|

What is PR?

Public relations are usually quite hidden and seen as an obscure job. PR consultants have a lot to do working on strategies before making a news, a company, a product or a service public. There are quite a lot of misconceptions about their job. Publication of clippings or visibility on the internet can be seen [...]

By | May 29th, 2018|News|

Happy new year 2018!

A huge thank you for your trust and the successful collaborations we established in 2017. The agency celebrates its 3rd anniversary, which wouldn't have been possible without you. We had the pleasure to support startups, companies, NGO, associations and multinationals of all sizes implementing meaningful projects. As communication is the tip of the iceberg, those projects included [...]

By | January 1st, 2018|News|

In the media… Analysis of Macron’s communication

Media consulting for Le Matin, one of the most read newspapers of the Romandie region, about Emmanuel Macron's communication and style of language. According to Virginie Simon, Founder of Simon PR, his refined language results from a communication work done after the criticisms raised during meetings within the party. Thanks to his background in literature, he [...]

By | July 10th, 2017|News, Simon&Co|

In the media… analysis of the US elections

Le Matin, one of the most read newspapers of the Romandie region, asked Virginie Simon to analyze the political elections a few days before the election of Donald Trump. The question of the importance of the arguments in the political debate and the people-ization of their private life were two of the topics that were discussed [...]

By | November 21st, 2016|News, Simon&Co|